Anusara Inspired™ Yoga Teacher
Successfully completed 200-hour yoga teacher training registered with Yoga Alliance.
Gained qualification as Inspired in November 2022 after 2 years of teaching and examination.
Dip GSRT (merit) - Diploma in Group Sound Relaxation Therapy in March 2024 with the British Association of Sound Therapy (BAST)

About me
Jen Hughes
I am currently teaching online live-streamed yoga in Scotland to wherever you are through Zoom, including sessions at my yoga studio in a fabulous new purpose-built studio in Perthshire, my small studio in Edinburgh, and even in Portugal.
I originally started practicing yoga in Singapore in 2009 with my teacher who I trained with. I rediscovered my love of yoga when we came back to the UK in 2018. Yoga helped me recover from various sport injuries through golf and running, and it has been a significant part of my journey.
The best thing about lockdown was signing up for a teacher training course with my first yoga teacher from Singapore. I have also attended several mindfulness courses, which I have loved integrating into my yoga classes. Yoga is not just about making fancy poses with your body; it also helps you quieten your mind and develop the poses from the inside out. I have had several careers, from a chartered surveyor to a primary teacher, and now I love putting my "teaching hat" on to help others feel better both emotionally and physically.
If you want to focus more on rest and relaxation then I also teach restorative yoga, yoga nidra (guided meditiation) and am a qualified sound therapist. I offer soundbaths in Edinburgh and Auchterarder - lie down and let the healing vibrations from my instruments wash over you. I have Himalayan bowls, crystal bowls, gong and therpeutic instruments which I play in a specific way to allow for dee
Teaching yoga in Scotland has been a wonderful new foray in my teaching journey, and I'm thrilled to share this practice with you. I try to make my lessons fun and hope to leave you feeling uplifted when you leave your yoga practice. Everyone could use more yoga in their lives, so why not seize the moment and go to the booking page. Treat your body, and your mind will thank you! I hope to see you on the mat soon. Namaste.

What is Anusara Yoga!

Anusara® Yoga means “flowing with grace” or “follow your heart. Anusara® Yoga aligns your mind, body and heart, thus giving you the opportunity to connect to yourself in a deeper way. Anusara means to "flow with grace" - enabling us to deal with the flux and flows of life and take the benefits of our practice on the mat off into our everyday lives.
Anusara Yoga is a modern school of Hatha yoga and is uniquely structured by the five Anusara yoga’s Universal Principles of Alignment (UPAs) which teachers use to ensure their students are safe and steady in their yoga practice.
"I love the way Anusara® Yoga helps me keep safe on the mat. Being able to merge mindfulness, meditation and breath with safe alignment in asanas helps me feel secure and uplifted," Jen Hughes.
I jumped into teaching yoga straight after graduating from my 200 hour Teacher Training Course to raise funds for Alzheimers Research UK in memory of my stepfather who sadly passed away the day after I qualified. Due to covid, I was in Portugal and unable to attend the funeral so started fundraising as a way to do my bit.
My fundraising yoga before New Year raised over £2,000 and I'm going to continue to donate as much as I can from the proceeds of all my classes. Thanks to all my current students for helping me keep this going and to all those who donated or joined me on the mat for my fundraising efforts.
The current total is now £14,000! To check out my just giving page, click the button.