Yoga Video Library
Want yoga on demand? Subscribe here for unlimited recorded zoom yoga videos!
Do yoga in your own time, with access to over 100 zoom recordings of classes, including 15 restoratives!
Themes for classes in the library include:
Holidays, the Elements, Cloaks & Mirrors, Ganesha, Dogs on Film, Strike the Pose, Gods & Goddesses, the Mahvidyas, Finding Nemo, Summer Yoga, Happy and Glorious, Bonfires and Baubles, the Wonder of You, Planes Trains & Automobiles, and Out of the Blue! A 5 class Beginners series is also included together with a two hour mini retreat, a 20 minute sequence and a 10 minute sequence you can do in or out of the Shower!
The yoga library is a great option for in between class blocks or for those who can't make the live classes or who want to supplement their practice or just enjoy yoga from the comfort of their home anytime.
Only £15 per month. 5 day free trial.